Mitsubishi Colt Diesel Pilihan SUPER di Semua Medan Bisnis
☎ Nomor Telepon: (021) - 4469 3928 (Hunting/HP ): 0856 9360 6600 - 0878 8433 4636 - 08222 6088 545
Mitsubishi Colt Diesel - menjadi armada andalan dan terpercaya menunjang semua kebutuhan bisnis konsumen kendaraan niaga di Indonesia. Volume Penjualan Colt Diesel pada tahun 2009 sebesar 28.703 unit & Market Share 2009 sebesar 57,8%, Perolehan market share ini dari 56,7% (tahun 2008) menjadi 57,8% pada tahun 2009. Angka ini menunjukkan Mitsubishi Colt Diesel paling diterima oleh konsumen dikarenakan spesifikasi dan line up sesuai dengan pasar di Indonesia.
Untuk menunjukkan keunggulan, kehandalan dan line up Colt Diesel untuk pasar Indonesia, kami mulai mengexpose tagline terbaru kami untuk Colt Diesel yaitu, 3 SUPER: Super Economical, Super Speed dan Super Power. 3Super Truk Mitsubishi Colt Diesel, dapat memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan angkutan niaga dan siap mendukung bisnis konsumennya disegala medan, baik medan berat ataupun angkutan serba cepat.
Mitsubishi Colt Diesel |
Truk Mitsubishi Colt Diesel sudah teruji tangguh dan andal sejak lama, memiliki mesin diesel yang tangguh, efisien bahan bakar, kapasitas muatan angkut yang banyak dan suku cadang yang mudah didapat.
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel Sasis Panjang
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel bus chassis (sasis bis)
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 110 ps fe 71 4 ban
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel fe 73 110 ps 6 ban
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 6 ban fe 73 hd 110 ps
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 125 ps fe 74 s 6 ban
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 6 ban fe 84 136 ps
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 74hd 125 ps
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel super hd 136 ps 6 ban
Mitsubishi Colt Diesel Super Economical terdiri dari FE 71, FE71BC , FE 73 dan FE 73 HD, FE83BC yang diperuntukkan untuk bisnis angkutan industri ,pabrik, distributor, retailer , kelontong , pertanian atau perkebunan, perikanan atau peternakan dan angkutan penumpang perkotaan di jalan aspal dan medan ringan.
Mitsubishi Colt Diesel Super Speed terdiri dari FE 74S dan FE 84, FE84G BC yang diperuntukkan bisnis angkutan lintas kota antar propinsi seperti barang industri, hasil pertanian, perkebunan, perikanan, peternakan yang melintasi jalan aspal, tanah dan berbatu.
Mitsubishi Colt Diesel Super Power terdiri dari FE 74 HD dan FE SUPER HD yang diperuntukkan bisnis angkutan dipertambangan, kehutanan atau perkebunan di area medan berat.
Truk Mitsubishi telah terbukti keandalannya, tangguh dan lincah dalam menjelajah segala medan. Ditopang dengan mesin tipe 4D34 dengan Turbo intercooler, telah terbukti bertenaga dan terpercaya membuat Mitsubishi Colt Diesel semakin banyak dipakai oleh konsumen.
Seiring peningkatan bisnis angkutan dan permintaan pelanggan, KTB menawarkan Paket Istimewa ”Bunga Ringan Hingga 0%” untuk pembelian truk Mitsubishi Colt Diesel melalui leasing DIPO STAR FINANCE. Paket istimewa ini berlaku di dealer resmi Mitsubishi diseluruh Indonesia, tentunya dengan syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku .
Colt Diesel SAHABAT dan PILIHAN bisnis sejati.
INFO ORDER Mitsubishi Colt Diesel / Engkel, Please contact:
Agus Lemon, 021 - 4469 3928 / 0856 9360 6600 / 087 884334 636
Email :
PIN BB : 7683AD29
Fax: + 62 21 79190088, Up. Agus Muhammad
PT. Srikandi Diamond Motors
Srikandi Building Ground & 1st Floor
Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 21-23, Warung Buncit, Jakarta Selatan – 12790
Telepon: + 62 21 44693928 ( Hunting) , 79198878 ( Service) , 79190066 ( Spareparts) ,
Fax: + 62 21 79190088, Up. Agus Muhammad
Mitsubishi Colt Diesel Truck SUPER Featured in All Terrain Business
Colt Diesel became a mainstay and reliable fleet support all business needs of consumers of commercial vehicles in Indonesia. Colt Diesel sales volume in 2009 amounted to 28 703 units & Market Share 2009 was 57.8%, this acquisition market share of 56.7% (in 2008) to 57.8% in 2009. This figure shows the Mitsubishi Colt Diesel accepted by consumers because of the specification and line up according to the Indonesian market.
To demonstrate excellence, reliability and Colt Diesel line up for the Indonesian market, we began exposing our new tagline for the Colt Diesel, 3 SUPER: Super Economical, Super Speed, and Super Power. 3 Super Trucks Mitsubishi Colt Diesel, to meet the various needs of the commercial transport and business ready to support its customers in all fields, both heavy field or fast-paced transport.
Trucks Mitsubishi Colt Diesel has proven tough and reliable for a long time, has diesel engine is powerful, fuel efficient, many charge capacity transport and spare parts are easily available.
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel Sasis Panjang
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel bus chassis (sasis bis)
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 110 ps fe 71 4 ban
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel fe 73 110 ps 6 ban
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 6 ban fe 73 hd 110 ps
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 125 ps fe 74 s 6 ban
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 6 ban fe 84 136 ps
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 74hd 125 ps
- Mitsubishi Colt Diesel super hd 136 ps 6 ban
Consumers can choose the type of vehicle in accordance with the needs of business and field operations with a variety of options available, namely:
composed of FE 71, FE71BC, FE 73 and FE 73 HD, FE83BC intended for industrial freight businesses, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, grocery, agriculture or horticulture, fisheries or farms and urban passenger transport on road and light terrain.
Super Speed - Colt Diesel
consists of 74S and FE FE 84, FE84G BC business dedicated cross-town transportation between provinces such as industrial goods, agriculture, plantation, fishery , farms across the asphalt, soil and rocky.
consists of 74S and FE FE 84, FE84G BC business dedicated cross-town transportation between provinces such as industrial goods, agriculture, plantation, fishery , farms across the asphalt, soil and rocky.
Super Power - Colt Diesel
consists of FE FE 74 HD and HD SUPER dedicated freight business in the mining, forestry or plantation in the area of rough terrain. Trucks Mitsubishi has proven its reliability, robust and agile in exploring any terrain.
Supported by type 4D34 engine with intercooler turbo, has proven powerful and reliable making Mitsubishi Colt Diesel used more and more by consumers.
consists of FE FE 74 HD and HD SUPER dedicated freight business in the mining, forestry or plantation in the area of rough terrain. Trucks Mitsubishi has proven its reliability, robust and agile in exploring any terrain.
Supported by type 4D34 engine with intercooler turbo, has proven powerful and reliable making Mitsubishi Colt Diesel used more and more by consumers.
Along freight business and increased customer demand, KTB offers Special Package "Light Interest To 0%" for the purchase of trucks Mitsubishi Colt Diesel through DIPO STAR FINANCE. Special package is valid at authorized Mitsubishi dealers throughout Indonesia, of course, terms and conditions apply.
Colt Diesel FRIEND and true business OPTIONS
INFO ORDER Mitsubishi Colt Diesel / Engkel, Please contact:
Agus Lemon, 021 - 4469 3928 / 0856 9360 6600 / 087 884334 636
Email :
PIN BB : 7683AD29
Fax: + 62 21 79190088, Up. Agus Muhammad
PT. Srikandi Diamond Motors
Srikandi Building Ground & 1st Floor
Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 21-23, Warung Buncit, Jakarta Selatan – 12790
Phone: + 62 21 44693928 ( Hunting) , 79198878 ( Service) , 79190066 ( Spareparts) ,
Fax: + 62 21 79190088, Up. Agus Muhammad
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